Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Phone Just Never Rang...

Well, now that all the suspense over who Donald Trump was going to pick as his vice presidential running mate is over, just so you don't get too excited about the choice, I thought it might be good to take a look at the context in which it was made.

Oh, sure, there were the usual suspects: the Newt Gingriches, the Chris Christies, and maybe even some long shots like Sarah Palin and that African American guy that he pointed out who showed up to one of his rallies.

But in all honesty, there was an even deeper list of people under consideration; people who were hoping -- yes, even praying-- that they'd get that one important call  letting them know that he or she was the Donald's choice -- and in doing so, he'd quite probably not only make a huge change in their lives but would also turn their fortunes around for the better.

So, without  going into further details, here's who I found out were the top 10 people who were sadly disappointed not to get that phone call and hear the news that they were to be named Donald Trump's running mate:










And the number one person who was disappointed not to be picked as Donald Trump's running mate...



"Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength."

-- Thomas Pynchon